Extended Voice

Extended Voice is a term used to describe the voice that is outside what we consider ‘normative’

It could simply be the use of another language and the phonemes (sound) that accompanies it

I work with Extended Voice in a very specific setting; with PMLD Children.

PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities) children are often ‘non-verbal’ which means they cannot make coherent ‘normative’ speech sounds. They can, however, make a wide range of other, extended, sounds that are beautiful, unique and full of wonder. I work with these children to enhance their vocal expressivity and help them make more varied sounds. I use vocal improvisation and my own vocal technique to mimic the children, and teach the staff to do the same.

I have worked with a bespoke voicing instrument called Resonant Tails. This instrument echoes young people and allows them to compose their own wonderful soundscapes and explore different areas of the sonic world. This instrument has haptic feedback through vibrating orbs and has the ability to change light depending on pitch. Other vocal ‘tweaks’ include reverb, pitch, ‘bounce’, ‘shine’ and more! 

Thinking about how you can bring more vibrant vocal expressivity into your school?